Xubuntu is a community developed ubuntu-based linux operating system.
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- See Also: Ubuntu(Beautiful OS, With Power) , Lubuntu (Light Weight Ubuntu), Kubuntu(Glass OS)

Xubuntu is an elegant and easy-to-use, GUI Based operating system. Xubuntu comes with
Xfce, which is a stable, light and configurable desktop environment.
Xubuntu is perfect for those who want the most out of their desktops, laptops and netbooks with a modern look and enough features for efficient, daily usage. It works well on older hardware too.
Top Features( I Like Most) :
- Easy to use bluetooth device.
- Easy to use any modem or mobile phone as a modem to connect to internet.
- Included Maximum useful Applications.
- Online Software Store
- Automatic detect and install sound card, vga card.
- Easy to use WiFi.
- Installation of xubuntu is easy and support audio/video formats.
- Installation require 256 MB Ram and 2GB Freespace on hard disk while altenative installation require only 64 MB Ram and 1 GB Freespace Hard Disk.
Keyword: Download Xubuntu Latest Version, A fast linux OS, masoomyf.blogspot.com
Keyword: Download Xubuntu Latest Version, A fast linux OS, masoomyf.blogspot.com