[WhatsApp] Fake news can be auto detect by WhatsApp masoomyf July 11, 2018 W hatsApp now offers tips for users to spot fake news after Indian murders. Many fake news which is spread by WhatsApp users cause dang...
Hide web history from ISP with Android's new 'DNS over TLS' supports masoomyf October 25, 2017 Keeping Internet service providers (ISPs) at bay, Google appears to be planning to add "DNS over TLS" support to Android. The ...
Google will pay you $1,000 to hack some of Android's most popular apps. masoomyf October 21, 2017 Details are light at the moment, but a bit of news out of Google’s Playtime developer event this morning: the company is launching a Goo...
WI-FI WARNING - Almost ALL phones, tablets and PCs vulnerable to this devastating attack masoomyf October 17, 2017 HACKERS can target almost ANY smart device around the world thanks to a vulnerability in WPA2 Wi-Fi security. Here's everything you sho...
Protect yourself from Ransomware Virus Easily Now - Imporant masoomyf May 17, 2017 The wcrypt (Wanna Cry/Wana Decrypt0r) ransomware virus is very danger and able to lock your personal and important file easily. Protec...
India is fifth largest country with DNS Hijack - CyberSecurity masoomyf March 20, 2016 India has emerged as the fifth largest country that has witnessed infections via DNS hijacks in 2015, according to F-Secure threat round-up...