Download Linux AIO - Combo of Ubuntu and flavors, Linux Mint, LMDE, Debian Live, Fedora

Download Linux AIO - Combo of Ubuntu and flavors, Linux Mint, LMDE, Debian Live, Fedora - Lets experience some of the major Linux distributions (Ubuntu and flavors, Linux Mint, LMDE, Debian Live, Fedora) with different desktop environments on one ISO file that can be burnt on one DVD / DVD DL or USB 4GB+/8GB+ flash drive. Every one of them can be used as Live system, with no need of installation on hard drive, or can be eventually installed on computer for full system experience.

Linux AIO
Easy to use Custom Linux AIO boot menu One ISO file with official derivatives of diferent Linux distributions ISO file with original and untouched Linux distributions Memory testing and hardware detection tools

4.3 ( 41506 ratings )
Price: 0

Linux AIO is combo pack of major linux distribution with attracting desktops. Use every linux as a live system with full experience.

Linux AIO can also boot from pendrive, so one pendrive will contains multiple flavor of Linux.

Its Features:

  • Easy to use Custom Linux AIO boot menu
  • One ISO file with official derivatives of diferent Linux distributions
  • ISO file with original and untouched Linux distributions
  • Memory testing and hardware detection tools
Tags: Download Linux All in One, Best Linux Download, Multiple Linux in one ISO, Multiboot Linux Download

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