Google Chrome Android New Group Tab Feature Revealed - Google

Google chrome released a new group tab feature for Android but this feature is in A/B Test. A/B Test means some users get this feature while other not according to some probabilities. User can use this feature by update the latest version of Google Chrome for Android and if they not get this feature, they need to clear the cache several times.

Let's see some screenshot to explore this new google chrome group tab feature.

New option to open any link in new tab in group - This feature is part of new group feature in which the opening tab will group with current tab and you can switch between them by clicking on icon available on bottom like windows taskbar.

 Group chrome multiple tabs in a group bottom bar
Multiple tab in a group at bottom of page. Here you can switch between tabs, add a new tab or view all tabs at once by clicking ^ symbol.

Group chrome multiple tabs in a group
Google Chrome multiple tabs in a group

You can easily group multiple tabs, by dragging and dropping them inside a group or tab can easily ungroup from main chrome screen. There is more features you can play with only by exploring latest features of Google Chrome.

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